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Chef Alison Negrin & Associates
Menu development and consulting

Nicoise Salad (Salmon or Tuna)
This is a gorgeous salad that Alison developed for the guests at The Reutlinger. Perfect for summer. Cool and refreshing with lots of...

Butternut Squash Lasagna
Autumn has come to Northern California. This recipe is a delicious and nutritious way to use the butternut squash so plentiful locally...

Poached salmon with leeks
Here is a recipe that includes the traditional use of leeks in a High Holy Day recipe. This light dish is a counterpoint to some of the...

Big tomato sandwich
A wonderful way to use up those huge tomatoes from the garden Serves 4 Sandwich Ingredients: 1 large loaf ciabatta (1-pound size) 2 or...

Summer salad of fresh corn, green beans, tomatoes and basil
Made with fresh ingredients right out of the garden! Serves 4 Ingredients 1 lb. fresh green beans, cut into 3 inch lengths 1 lb. corn,...

Roasted Asparagus
This side dish can also be cooked in a foil packet or vegetable grid on the grill Serves 20 INGREDIENTS 5 # asparagus spears, broken at...

Citrus Pan-Fried Trout with Toasted Almonds
A healthy, sustainable dish for institutions that can easily be sized down for home. Yield: 64 servings Serving size: 1 piece trout...

Asparagus and Goat Cheese Quesadilla
Fresh and easy, fast food made healthy. Use fresh local asparagus in season to keep the cost low. Servings: 2 INGREDIENTS 2...

Roasted Root Vegetables and Winter Squash with Wilted Greens
It’s that time of year again - the holidays! Enjoy this recipe of Roasted Root Vegetables and Winter Squash with Wilted Greens for an...
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